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格式: Epub+txt+pdf+mobi 齐格·齐格勒(Zig Ziglar)和厄尔·南丁格尔(EarlNightingale)等人的思想理论与 著有畅销书《潜意识》系列与《气场修成手册》。

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Ziglar Is Specialized In Personal Development Training, Providing Coaching For Presentation Skills, Sales, Small Business Owners, Speakers And Much More. 45+ Powerful Motivational Zig Ziglar Quotes Zig Ziglar's Timeless Wisdom and Training Shop our carefully curated collection of Zig Ziglar's best and most transformational goal setting tools. Only available while supplies last! 25/07/2016 31/12/2018 Zig Ziglar's Secrets of Closing the Sale: For Anyone Who Must Get Others to Say Yes! by Zig Ziglar | Sep 1 1985.

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Franklin D. Roosevelt. Wisdom Way Standing. Love is always bestowed as a gift - freely, willingly and without expectation. We don't love to be loved; we love to love. Leo Buscaglia. Zig Ziglar biography Early years Zig Ziglar was born in Alabama, Mississippi as the tenth child of a total of twelve children. His mother's name was Lila Wescott and his father's John Silas Ziglar.

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When he was four years old, his father accepted a management position at a Mississippi farm and his family moved to Yazoo City, Mississippi, where Zig Ziglar spent most of his childhood. 06/12/2019 video is uploaded for educational purpose only. 24/07/2020 01/04/2020 A well-known and respected authority on success, Zig Ziglar has sold millions of books.

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Quotations by Zig Ziglar, American Author, Born November 6, 1926. Share with your friends. Zig Ziglar - Home | Facebook Zig Ziglar, Dallas, TX. 5,157,715 likes · 350,106 talking about this. Zig Ziglar invested his life helping others get everything they want out of life. 29/12/2020 Zig Ziglar is the author of twenty books on personal growth, leadership, sales, faith, family, and success, including See You at the Top, Raising Positive Kids in a Negative World, Over the Top, 14/11/2020 Zig Ziglar, Dallas, TX. 5,145,133 likes · 416,086 talking about this. Zig Ziglar invested his life helping others get everything they want out of life. As the most recognizable Brand, Team Ziglar is Mr. Zig Ziglar makes his insightful points with candor, and humor.

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When you identify a goal it means that you write it down and describe it clearly. Don’t set any nebulous targets. If you want to have specific success you must have specific targets. Zig Ziglar's life lifters moments of inspiration for living life better This edition was published in 2003 by Broadman & Holman in Nashville, Tenn. Edition Notes Other Titles Life lifters. Classifications Dewey Decimal Class 158 Library of Congress BF637.C5 Z54 2003 The Physical Object Pagination xvi Zig Ziglar was an American author, salesman, and motivational speaker.

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23/9/2019 · Media in category "Zig Ziglar" The following 5 files are in this category, out of 5 total. Zig Ziglar & Julie Ziglar Norman at Get Motivated Seminar, Cow Palace 2009-03-24.JPG 2,288 × 1,712; 1.55 MB video is uploaded for educational purpose only. – Zig Ziglar – The one above rings true in today’s world, and I’m reminded of its importance daily, in my position within the company I work for. With over 30 people who are directly influenced by my leadership, and many more that are indirectly affected, I find it ever more important to seek out opportunities to encourage people daily. Zig Ziglar.

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My 3 takeaways after listening to him ~ 1/2 dozen times are 1) Write your Goals down If you want to achieve your goals and are serious about accomplishing them.